Justice Impacted Entrepreneur, Founder, Prison Consultant and Paralegal

My Approach To Prison TikTok Is Different

I get quite a few comments like the one above. So, I wanted to take a minute to explain some things about my TikTok channel. First and foremost it’s my TikTok channel and nobody else’s nobody is forcing anyone to watch it and if my videos are hitting your “For You Page” (FYP) than you’ve done something to make the algorithm match content. I don’t hashtag stuff with things like #fyp #foryou etc.

85% of my TikTok channel is Federal Prison Tips based on my own experiences. Let me talk about that experience in detail. I started my sentence at a minimum camp, “Camp Cupcake” the world famous FPC Montgomery, also known as Maxwell. I started there, I didn’t finish there. In September of 2021 I was caught with a cell phone (which I had for 2.5 years).

After catching the cellphone “shot” I was briefly taken to the county jail because FPC Montgomery doesn’t have a SHU. I was shipped to Forrest City Low (In Arkansas) and then about 2 months later I was sent to Forrest City Medium over a cell phone. I left from Forrest City Medium in February 2022 as the 8th man out of the BOP under the First Step Act.

August 10, 2022 I violated the terms of my supervised release. After waiting for my revocation hearing at the county jail I was then sent to FCI Butner Low because I still had a “management variable” from the cellphone incident. I was briefly moved to FCI Butner Medium for something stemming from the 2021 cell phone incident.

During my stay in Federal Prison I was never yoked up, challenged, or fought because I kept my head down, was respectful and my paper is good. As a certified paralegal with a degree in Criminal Justice and on my 2L for my JD, my prison hustle was as a “jailhouse lawyer” and I had success doing work for the yard shot callers at Forrest City for the Serranos GDs and white boys so I was always “protected” but never needed it.

Some background things that people who have never been to Federal Prison don’t understand are these facts?\:

  • There are approximately 160,000 inmates in the Federal system only, roughly, 18,000 of those are in USP
  • You can’t go to camp as an S.O. Most people know that I was in on white collar charges and HBO even did a documentary on me.
  • Although often considered “Big Boy Prison” ask anyone who had done fed and state time, State prisons are much worse. I’ve never done state prison time, but collectively I’ve spent 2 years in the Montgomery County jail which is one of the rougher jails in the south east.

About my content

The purpose of my channel is not to glamorize my prison sentence or my crime. Although I do use clips from HBO’s generation hustle in some of my content. For the most part 80% of my content is Federal Prison Tips designed specifically for those people facing federal prison or who have a loved one in Federal Prison. I answer questions and talk about my personal experiences.

The purpose of these tips is to answer questions I get via email, DM or inline comment on any of my social channels and to answer questions people might not necessarily have thought about, but are thankful they now know.

My tips cover a variety of categories like: prison life (including prison lingo), prison policies, communication, preparation for prison and ways to support loved ones in Federal Prison.

I am a prison consultant who helps people facing federal prison prepare.

I have a lot of respect for many of the guys and gals on TikTok that have done “harder” time than I have but just because I didn’t have the problems that other “softer” guys have had doesn’t mean that my face card is any less.

Prison is all about respect. I believe every commenter has a right to an opinion but I also believe that most of these hate comments are from people who’ve never actually done any time. Personally, my two favorite (male) prison tiktokers (outside of myself) are JD Delay and Berner 420 both of them were in state prison at high security institutions, most of the Feds aren’t about that life. In fact, Federal Prison was originally designed for white collar and organized crime (Google it).

While I have my own opinions about Chomos (no room in the world for them) and Digital Offenders (which should be an entirely different category) one of the most disrespectful things you can do in Federal Prison or any prison for that matter is to call someone an SO or a Chomo who you know has good paper.

I get just as many comments thanking me for my content and I’m not going to change it. If you like it that is great and I’m glad I could help, if you don’t it takes about 1/2 a second to scroll up.

If you need a prison consultant or want to ask a question email me at

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